House rules
Boutique Suites Heidelberg – Alte Zigarrenmanufaktur
The customer/tenant/user shall act according to the House Community Rules. Non-compliance with the rules can lead to the cancellation of the tenancy.
The customer/tenant is subject to the following House Community Regulation, which is part of the General Terms and Conditions.
To provide a beneficial cohabitation in our house, it is necessary that all inhabitants show respect towards each other, respect the public order and safety and treat the property provided by the landlord in the context of the agreement properly.
A. General rules of conduct:
Setting up and storing objects in the hallway, on the balcony, in the courtyard etc. is inhibited due to security reasons. Due to fire safety regulations, no additional objects such as immersion heaters, cooking plates, heating stoves, air conditionings etc. shall be installed in the apartment. The indicated escape paths shall be kept clear. Open light, flammable substances etc. are inhibited in hallways, staircases etc. It is inhibited to throw objects out of windows or balconies. To protect customers’/tenants’/landlords’ rights towards unauthorized parties, the front door shall be kept closed.
B. In respect towards all house inhabitants, the following applies amongst others:
Look after children properly, prevent disturbing noises by playing instruments, listening to the radio or television at disturbing volume and slamming doors shut. General rest periods are the following: night’s rest from 10 pm to 7 am; Sundays and public holidays; siesta from 1 pm to 3 pm. At all other times of the day, noise emissions shall be kept at low volume. Refrain from shaking out and pouring out of windows, balconies, in hallways etc., getting rid of smelly, inflammable or other harmful substances/objects. Hanging up and laying out laundry, beddings, etc. on balconies, windows, etc. is inadmissible. Barbecues on the balconies are inhibited. Doors to staircases shall be kept closed.
C. To maintain the property, the customer/tenant shall consider the following amongst others:
Feeding pigeons in the near vicinities of the property as well as on the property is inhibited. Keep floors dry, prevent damage of the irrigation and drainage system, electrical installations and other furnishings of the building, blockage of the drainage system. Washing and drying laundry in the apartment is inhibited provided it leads to damages of the rented property. Washing vehicles on the premises is inhibited. Water usage for commercial purposes is only allowed with prior written consent by the landlord (including washing laundry for people not belonging to the customers’/tenants’ household). Any commercial water consumption (irrigation and drainage) will be at the expense of the customer/tenant. The customer/tenant shall protect all water-bearing objects, heaters and their pipelines inside the apartments from frost damage. Keeping doors and windows orderly closed in the event of rain, storm, night and absence. Do not waste electricity, water, heating power. Proper handling of floorings (do not use water to wipe up parquet floorings). Heating sufficiently and keeping all rooms accessible, and keeping taps closed, also in case of longer absence periods of the customer/tenant. Airing shall not lead to cooling down the rooms. A certain temperature cannot be guaranteed in case of shortages in fuel supply and disturbances by natural events, interruption of peace in general or in own or third-party companies. Adherence to the special requirements for the usage of elevators, fire places etc. obtainable from the landlord. Carefully store and keep all keys and accessories.
D. In the interest of the general public order and safety, the following obligations exist amongst others:
All official regulations (especially by the police or regulatory authorities) shall be adhered to by the customers/tenants, even if they haven’t been referred to explicitly.
E. The customer/tenant shall replace all damage caused due to the non-compliance with the House Rules. The customer/tenant is liable to the landlord for any damage that arises from the customer/tenant violating the duty to register.
[button url=”” target=”_blank” design=”dark”]House Community Rules (PDF)[/button]
January 2019